Post by Admin on Aug 5, 2019 2:59:09 GMT
Just a few things to consider about active killer events... Please SHARE with your Family and Friends!
1. It's never fireworks, when you hear something that sounds like GUNFIRE it is GUNFIRE, so CARRY YOUR DAMN GUN EVERYWHERE YOU ARE LEGALLY ALLOWED TO BY LAW. (Obviously we cannot carry in Federal Buildings, Courthouses, past security at an airport etc...) It is time that we end Gun Free Zones!
2. Carry spare ammunition, "I have never heard anyone complain about having too much ammo in a fight." - Quoted from Clint Smith, Thunder Ranch
3. Nobody is coming to save you, you are your own first responder. Twenty people died in less than six minutes. Six minutes, that was the response time in El Paso, Texas yesterday and in one minute in Dayton, Ohio another nine people were killed by another active killer.
4. Know where your loved ones are at all times, your wife, your kids, everyone and know where you are going to meet if you get seperated. Where are the exits, emergency or otherwise. Know what can be used as cover and concealment and your loved ones have to know this as well, so teach them.
5. Are you carrying any medical equipment, a tourniquet, pressure bandages, etc... and do you have the training to use it?
6. Have a plan and work the plan, tell your loved ones the reasons why you have a plan is to stay alive, don't let anyone or anything deter you in escaping the active killer, but if the active killer presents themselves to you then you must be resolute in your decisions to deal with them and do so with the judicious use of precision marksmanship.
Again, NOBODY is coming to save you, it is you who must save yourself and those you are responsible for, it is up to you.